The InternaTIonal Consumer Electronics Show (CES), hosted by the Consumer Electronics Manufacturers Association of America (CTA), aims to promote the close integration of cutting-edge electronics and modern life, which began in 1967. It has been 47 years old. From January 5th to January 8th, 2017, CES, the world's largest annual technology event, will be held in Las Vegas, USA.
Recently, some media reported that the "Power Rangers" virtual reality experience jointly produced by Qualcomm and Lionsgate will also be unveiled at the CES conference in Las Vegas, USA.
This new VR experience is based on the "Super Team" movie (the movie is expected to be released on March 24, 2017). The Super Team VR experience will allow fans to enter the world of their favorite characters and feel the power and abilities of the fighters.
In fact, many Hollywood blockbusters will release the VR experience version before the release, for fans to feel the charm of the movie in advance, of course, on the one hand to create momentum for the film, on the other hand, the use of VR to promote is also a new medium.
One of the goals of Lionsgate's collaboration with Qualcomm is to enable the Super Team VR experience to apply several innovations from Qualcomm's Snapdragon 835 processor, creating an immersive experience for fans in the world of this movie. .
AD8 standard floating Solar Cable is a kind of equipment used for floating photovoltaic power generation. It consists of photovoltaic cells that convert solar energy into electricity. The device is designed to float on the water, while it can be fixed to the water by a buoy and anchorage device to prevent drifting.
AD8 standard floating solar cable has the following characteristics:
1. Efficient use of solar energy: photovoltaic cells can convert solar energy into electricity to achieve efficient power generation.
2. Environmentally friendly: photovoltaic power generation does not produce pollutants and greenhouse gases and is environmentally friendly.
3. Save land resources: Floating solar cable can use the space on the water surface, saving the use of land resources.
4. Strong wind and wave resistance: floating solar cable adopts stable design, has strong wind and wave resistance, and can operate normally in bad weather conditions.
5. Easy installation and maintenance: Floating optical cables are relatively simple to install and maintain, and can be quickly deployed and adjusted.
AD8 standard floating solar cable is suitable for a variety of water environment, such as lakes, reservoirs, rivers, etc. It can be used in power stations, farmland irrigation, drinking water treatment and other fields to provide local clean energy and power supply.
AD8 Floating Solar Cable,Solar Adapter Cable,Waterproof Solar Cable,DC Cable
Suzhou Yonghao Cable Co.,Ltd. ,