Nichias sales and profit figures were hit by a slump in prices for white LEDs used predominantly in the backlights of color screens for mobile phone handsets. The market for LEDs in 3.5 inch or smaller displays is expected to shrink from 150 billion yen in 2004 to 100 Billion yen this year.
To retain its competitiveness in terms of price and performance, Nichia intends to invest about 30 billion yen (US$ 277 million) in plant and equipment and spend around 17 billion yen (US$157 million) on R&D in each of the four years.
The company expects LEDs for phone screens and other small displays to account for 25% of its total sales in the 2008 business year, with LEDs for large displays representing 18% and LEDs for automotive illumination applications contributing 15%. Nichia also said that it believes LEDs for cars will represent a major proportion of sales in or after 2010.
Nichias business plan also calls for aggressive hiring, expanding the work force from 3,700 employees to 5,000, including part-time workers, in 2008.
Last week, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun said that Nichia plans to proceed selling backlight LEDs for medium- and large-sized LCD screens. specifically, it will ship LEDs for computers with 10-inch screens and car navigation systems with 5- to 8-inch Displays.
The company plans to produce white LEDs with a brightness of 200 candelas per square meter for this application.
Cross lines monitor, Double Cross Lines Monitor, Horizontal Lines Monitor and Cross Lines Scale Monitor.
Sizes like 8 inch, 10 inch, 15 inch and 17 inch.
Plastic casing with different assembling methods
Shenzhen Bolinia Technology Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer for 7-24 inch lcd monitors and displays over 10 years. Original factory with assembling line in Shenzhen. Product ranges from plastic monitor, Metal Monitor , Resistive Touch Monitor , Capacitive Touch Monitor, Open Frame Monitor , Embedded Monitor to SDI Broadcasting Monitor . Square monitor or wide screen monitors are available with different resolutions.
Normal plastic or metal monitor from 7 inch to 24 inch.
Single Touch Monitor with resistive 4 wire and 5 wire for options from 7 inch to 22 inch.
Multi-touch projected capacitive touch ( PCAP Touch or PCT) monitor from 8 inch to 24 inch.
SDI monitor from 15 inch to 21.5 inch.
Products mainly used in ATM, POS, CCTV security, Information checking, Kiosk, BGA repairing station, Lottery terminals, microscopes and similar applications.
Cross Lines LCD Monitor
Single Cross Lines Monitor,Double Cross Lines Monitor,Horizontal Lines Monitor,Cross Lines Scale Monitor,Microscope Monitor
Shenzhen Bolinia Technology Co., Ltd. ,