VR Tracking Services developed by Portsmouth University, UK has sold 1500 pieces

VR Tracker developed by Portsmouth University, UK Sold 1500 pieces from Baidu VR

The Yost Lab at Portsmouth University in the United Kingdom has created a unique virtual reality (VR) outfit that tracks player movements.

This set of clothes can track the entire body rotation of the user in real time through 19 sensors. The price is 1200 US dollars (about 8250 yuan).

Paul Yost said: "Snap from the sensor to the moment of action, it will be sent to the computer, the delay between 5 milliseconds. Compared to people's eyes to see text messages and then the brain recognizes the speed faster."

Currently, Yost studies all fifteen employees, mostly from Shawnee State University. This company is also the top 20 in the United States game simulations. It is reported that each part of this piece of clothing was created by the Yost Institute. Since 2014, more than 1,500 pieces have been sold.

Yost said: "Our goal is to make virtual reality closer to humans."

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