In the context of energy shortages, in recent years, LEDs (light-emitting diodes), solar energy, and wind energy have emerged at home and abroad. At the end of last month, the Wuhan Street Lamp Administration rebuilt the street lamp of Hongshan Road in Wuchang District. The traditional high-pressure sodium lamp was laid off and replaced with a new LED energy-saving street lamp.
This is the first LED road in Wuhan. What is the effect of the new streetlight? At 8:30 pm on July 3, the reporter conducted a field interview.
Driver: The road is not bright enough
I saw a white street light pole erected on both sides of Hongshan Road, and the LED street light emitted a dazzling white light. However, the two fast lanes in the middle of the road are very dark; there is a clear dark area between the two poles on the same side of the road. The reporter tried to turn off the headlights and small lights of the vehicle and found that the road surface was dark, which affected the normal driving of the vehicle.
When the reporter drove from Hongshan Road to Zhongbei Road, it was another scene: here is the six-lane, the traditional high-pressure sodium lamp is installed, and the two fast lanes in the middle are very good. The reporter tried to turn off the headlights and small lights of the vehicle and could drive normally.
The reporter interviewed four drivers on Hongshan Road. Three of them reported that the road lights had darkened in the past few days, affecting traffic; one said that they did not pay attention to any changes.
However, the sanitation worker on the road said that after replacing the LED, the vision is more gentle and comfortable, and the road surface is clearer when working. Several residents believe that this LED street lamp is energy-saving and environmentally friendly, and looks bigger and more prominent.
Street Light Bureau: Technology to be improved
The person in charge of the relevant department of the Wuhan Street Lamp Administration said that the installation of LED street lights on Hongshan Road has experimental properties. This type of lamp is very expensive, only 10,000 yuan per lamp, and traditional street lamps generally only two or three thousand. However, according to the manufacturer's propaganda, LED street lamps are more than 20% more energy efficient than traditional street lamps.
The person introduced that after installing the LED street light, the lighting effect was also discounted. The two fast lanes in the middle were darkened, and there were dark areas between the two light poles on the same side of the road.
When the Hongshan Road was rebuilt, the high-altitude street lights of important organs and intersections were not modified, and high-pressure sodium lamps were still used. Traditional high pressure sodium lamps can illuminate at least 15 meters. LED street lights are very good for lighting in the park, lighting of buildings, etc., but the technology for street lighting needs to be improved.
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