Summary of the semiconductor lighting market in 08-09

Last year, China's semiconductor lighting (LED) industry experienced a period of rapid development. At the same time, domestic and overseas investment and mergers and acquisitions of upstream and downstream enterprises accelerated, while traditional lighting companies, state-owned capital, private capital, e-commerce providers, etc. also entered this After the industry's expansion of the industry in 2007-2008 and the government's development of relevant standards, the overall development of the industry will be more orderly in 2009. Among them, the huge market in mainland China has brought unlimited business opportunities to the global LED industry. With the successful launch of the Olympic Games, the upcoming World Expo, Asian Games and other large-scale international events, LED projects will be launched in the road lighting, landscape lighting, full color display. Such application surfaces bring new breakthroughs.

Although the semiconductor lighting market performed well last year, in 2008, the economic downturn caused many companies to tighten their money, and many LED manufacturers were in a downturn. This situation makes people wonder whether semiconductor lighting can maintain its strong growth momentum. Can its outstanding performance in 2008 continue in 2009?

Will the era of LEDs entering thousands of households be on schedule?

Can semiconductor lighting resist the effects of a recession?
Although many foreign survey reports and analysis data have shown that the shrinking of European and American markets and the reduction of orders in the second half of 2008 have greatly increased the uncertainty faced by LED companies. However, there are still many insiders who believe that even under such a premise, the semiconductor lighting market will have a good development in 2009.
In early February, NextGenResearch, a research arm of ABI Research, pointed out at the beginning of the month that the global solid-state lighting (SSL) market is expected to exceed 33 billion US dollars in 2013. According to NextGen's estimation, the average compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of the lighting products category in the LED market will approach 22% during 2009-2013.

And StrategiesUnlimited expects that LED penetration into the lighting market will continue into 2009, with a 17% lower growth rate compared to the previously forecasted 35% growth rate. In the long run, the prospects for lighting applications are optimistic.
LEDs are widely used in architectural lighting, traffic lighting, indications, etc., and are also widely used in backlight LCDs, notebook display screens, and televisions.
Taking the LED liquid crystal backlight market as an example: a new LED liquid crystal backlight survey report released by iSuppli, an authoritative market research organization in the United States, said: LED liquid crystal backlights are increasingly used in the application market of backlight LCD TVs in the second half of 2008. It will become one of the few bright spots in the semiconductor industry in 2009. iSuppli expects LED LCD backlight shipments to grow to $163 million in 2009 based on $51 million in 2008, and predicts that approximately $1.4 billion of LCDs will be used in LCD TVs in 2012.
StrategiesUnlimited also made an optimistic expectation for high-brightness LEDs: If the entire economy can recover, then the growth of high-brightness LED market will begin to recover in 2010. From 2008 to 2013, the compound annual growth rate is expected to be 19.3%. In 2013, the high-brightness LED market will reach 12.4 billion US dollars.
Although the domestic LED market is currently unbalanced, LED lighting is still an emerging market in the overall lighting market. LED is a kind of luminescent semiconductor component and is recognized as one of the most promising high-tech products in the 21st century. It is also a product that everyone urgently needs to pay attention to in 2009. While LED has triggered the lighting revolution, it has also made significant contributions to promoting energy conservation, emission reduction and environmental protection.
Throughout 2008, China's chip output value increased by 26% to reach 1.9 billion yuan; LED package output value reached 18.5 billion yuan, up 10% from 2007's 16.8 billion yuan; in 2008, China's applied product output value has exceeded 45 billion yuan, LED full color Applications such as display screens, solar LEDs, landscape lighting, consumer electronics backlights, signals, and indications remain the main applications.
In 2008, domestic outdoor lighting developed rapidly, and more than 100,000 LED demonstration application street lamps have been applied. It is expected that the industrial scale will soon be formed. Lighting in public areas in the city has also begun to demonstrate applications, and progress has also been made in LCD-TV backlights and automotive lights. With the government's vigorous promotion and global industrial ladder transfer, China's LED will become the most attractive cake on the market in the future.
It is expected that the LED industry is expected to have explosive growth in 2009, mainly in several aspects. From the demand side, the advancement of light guide technology has led to an increase in the penetration rate of LEDBLU. The improvement of light efficiency will accelerate the popularization of lighting applications, but the current price is still high; but from the supply side, the competition of Japanese factory prices and the oversupply of Taiwanese factories will make the price Falling, but falling supply prices will cause small profits but quick turnover to stimulate the market. If demand continues to increase, it can ease the pressure of oversupply, accelerate product penetration, and increase energy issues. Countries will formulate regulations and standards to promote the LED industry. Development, looking forward to 2009, consumer electronics will drive the growth of LED applications, increase luminous efficiency and accelerate the popularization of lighting, and the LED lighting market will have growth opportunities.
Domestic LED manufacturers need to meet the challenges in 2009. In 2008, the LED industry was greatly affected by the financial crisis, mainly reflected in the sudden and sharp drop in global market demand, especially for export-related orders. Such an impact is rare for the global LED industry, and its impact is currently not comprehensive.
This effect will intensify in the first half of 2009, and it is expected to start to pick up in the second half of the year, but the recovery of the market may be slow, so we have to make the worst plan.

Of course, there will still be opportunities in the domestic market in 2009. In recent years, driven by the national semiconductor lighting project, China's semiconductor lighting industry is concentrated; the high-end applications of semiconductor lighting are being invested and built in major cities across the country year by year, and the energy-saving effect is obvious to all. For example, the relevant projects of the Shanghai World Expo; the country's 4 trillion yuan to drive domestic railways, highways, and airport construction; the "Ten Cities and Ten Thousand Miles" demonstration project will bring new industries to the LED industry, especially the country will continue to strengthen energy conservation. The emission reduction policy will also help LED market demand.
In 2009, the luminous efficiency of white light high-power LEDs is expected to continue to increase. With the economic recovery, the high-brightness LED market will return to the fast-growing track. As the advancement of technology accelerates, it will lay a good foundation for the development of the LED industry after the economic recovery. In 2009, some domestic LED lighting related standards will be released one after another, and the LED industry will develop in a healthy and orderly manner. The goal is a big step.
In 2008, the total amount of domestic large-scale MOCVD (metal organic chemical vapor deposition) equipment exceeded 100. Although the financial crisis has made the expansion of the epitaxial chip market more stressful, after the investment plan is adjusted, it is expected to be added in 2009. The number of MOCVD equipment is still not lower than in 2008, and this has led to an increase in the production capacity of epitaxial chips.
In view of the current market environment, we believe that the best countermeasures for the majority of small and medium-sized LED companies are to find ways to survive, and to focus on the development of new products, the application of patents and the establishment and improvement of quality systems, where funding permits. At the same time, seize all market opportunities that can be seized, do a good job in products and projects; adjust the company's market and product positioning, highlight its own advantages, establish strategic alliances with other upstream and downstream enterprises, jointly develop and expand the market; strengthen the core Team and backbone team building, do a good job in employee training. Prepare for the big development after the financial and economic recovery.

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Longkou Libo Insulating Material Co.,Ltd. ,

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