This year is a very good year for Microsoft's HolloLens, a mixed-reality device. It not only makes a lot of people's attention, it's really practical. Although this groundbreaking technology is still in its early stages and it is not yet available to consumers, it still cannot stop developers’ passion. So far, Microsoft Store has more than 80 different entertainment and practical applications. Companies also want to use HoloLens to find new ways to make work more efficient. Because of the rapid development of the device, Microsoft announced today that it will expand the sales area of ​​HoloLens and join Australia, France, Germany, Ireland, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.
Developers have always been expecting HoloLens to ship worldwide, and the device was previously only available in the United States and Canada. We look forward to seeing a group of aspiring developers working together to bring some important features to HoloLens, such as the joint experience of joining HTC Vive (before Microsoft announced Holographic platform Windows Holographic, hoping to create a hybrid for users across virtual reality and holographic devices. The real world, through the devices that can interact with each other, change the vision of the way people work, communicate, learn and play.)
There are already examples of companies using HoloLens for efficient work, such as NASA and ThyssenKrupp AG. NASA uses mixed reality to train astronauts and also uses this technology to make adequate tests before expensive parts are produced to save money. ThyssenKrupp AG uses this technology to significantly increase the efficiency of the technicians and enables remote personnel to guide the technicians as if they are on-site through the integrated Skype communications software. HoloLens is not just for work, it is also used for entertainment, such as legendary entertainment companies want to use HoloLens to engage in a big game.
HoloLens can currently only be pre-ordered from the Microsoft store. The equipment will be sent to newly added areas in late November.
As for the retail version, there should still be a long way to go and there is no mention in today’s press release. At the same time, we also hope that the mysterious rival Magic Leap can bring some strong competitive chips.