Whenever we see screens that can be touched in the air in science fiction films, it will be very exciting. The desire will always be achieved step by step, and we are constantly working on this.
The Lazertouch is a portable projector that is currently on display at Indiegogo, and its capabilities have taken us one step closer to science fiction movies. This projector can turn objects such as walls and desktops into touch screens. The Lazertouch projector emits a laser beam parallel to the surface of the object to detect the touch point. It is easy to carry and has a built-in 13,600mAh battery. The biggest highlight of this projector is the use of an Android system that supports touch screen operation, and supports Wifi, Bluetooth and other functions.
The Lazertouch is a portable projector that is currently on display at Indiegogo, and its capabilities have taken us one step closer to science fiction movies. This projector can turn objects such as walls and desktops into touch screens. The Lazertouch projector emits a laser beam parallel to the surface of the object to detect the touch point. It is easy to carry and has a built-in 13,600mAh battery. The biggest highlight of this projector is the use of an Android system that supports touch screen operation, and supports Wifi, Bluetooth and other functions.

The manufacturer of Lazertouch projector is Easi, which claims that the technology has been developed for five years and has obtained seven international patents. The projector also supports 4K video playback, but The actual resolution of its projected image has not yet been announced.
The suggested retail price of Lazertouch projector is 650 US dollars (about 4235 yuan), but if you are willing to venture into the crowdfunding of Indiegogo website, then only need to pay 475 US dollars (about 3095 yuan) on it.
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