Title: 300 Warriors: Empire Rise / 300: Rise of an Empire
Director: Noam Muro Screenplay: Zach Schneider / Kurt Jonstad / Frank Miller Starring: Sullivan Stepton / Rodriguez Santoro / Eva Green/Linna Heidi/Andy Timman/Andrew Plough/Jack O'Connell Type: Plot/Action/History/War
Production Country: United States Language: English Release Date: 2014-03-07(United States)
Length: 102 minutes Also known as: War Wolves 300: Rise of the Empire (Ganghwa) / 300 Warriors: Rise of the Empire (Taiwan) / 300: Rise of an Empire / 300: Battle of Althea / 300: Battle of Artemisia
In the famous marathon campaign, the Greek hero Temi Stockles (Sullivan Stapleton, Sullivan Stapleton) shot King Darius of Persia and buried Xerxes I (Rodriguez Santo Rodrigo Santoro decorated the root cause of the comeback. Incited by the naval commander of the Persian navy, Artemisia (Eva Green, Eva Green), Xerxes led the army and Sparta leader Leonidas (Gerard Butler, Gerard Butler). Three hundred warriors broke out in the hot springs eternal blood. On the other side, the powerful maritime force commanded by Artemisia approached Athens on the other side of the Aegean Sea. At a prestige juncture, Termistries re-emerged, and the Greek warriors defended freedom against the black goddess of the blood of revenge flowing in this body.
Turning clouds, misty waves, and the most brutal killings are carried out in distant times...
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